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Consider McDonald's

mc_logoConsider the customer intuition challenge that McDonald's faces. They deal in the fixed asset world of real estate. They own most of their restaurant locations leasing them to franchisees. Yet within this fixed structure their business is a moving target. They must constantly adapt to changing tastes, perceptions, technologies, cultures, religions, languages, political movements, supply chains, currencies and competition. As if that isn't challenge enough consider the moving target of their customers. Everyday millions of customers die and millions new customers are born. Expectations are born and expectations die.

McDonald's constantly tests new products and technologies to see what works for their customers. All the while they discover what works and what fails in the scrutiny of the public eye.

Love them or hate them you have to admit that McDonald's knows how to develop their customer intuition. They have survived and thrived as long as they have and grown as large as they have by knowing their customers.

When you think about the challenge of knowing and communicating with customers think about McDonald's and the scale of the challenge they face every day.

Maybe I'm just hungry. Time for lunch.

June 3, 2004 in audio publication, Award winning publications, Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, Business newsletter, Food and Drink | Permalink


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