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Staying Alert to Your Customers

google_smTechnology provides so many excellent tools to help us know more about our customers. One of the simplest and perhaps most useful is the free Google News Alert. Google will automatically search for news about a topic you specify and email you a list of relevant stories on a daily basis. You can use these to keep tabs on your favorite celebrity but more importantly you can use News Alerts to develop your customer intuition. Set up several searches for relevant media mentions of customers, prospects and competitors. News Alerts will keep you current on breaking news regarding those you are growing a business relationship with. Being aware of news about customers equips you for timely follow up with them. Positive or negative media mentions are opportunities to strengthen your relationships. Calls, emails or written notes of congratulations may be in order. An offer of assistance might be appropriate in the face of bad news. Either way Google News Alerts can keep you in the know.

Google News Alerts can even provide valuable customer and industry insights to use as content in your B2B email newsletter.

July 16, 2004 in award winning newsletter, Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, build credibility, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, Business publications, Business relationships, CMO, Web/Tech | Permalink


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Also, don't forget to set up Google news alerts for your own name and business name. It's a great tool to keep tabs on what's being written about you or your company.

Posted by: Todd | Jul 17, 2004 3:33:33 PM

Having a little customer intellience out to keep you in the loop is a great idea. Google alerts are a terrific tool for this. However, you will want to be very specific in your search time or you'll end up with a lot of information that does not pertain to your customer. Happy hunting!

Posted by: Susan | Jul 19, 2004 10:20:35 AM

Intelligent Savings is designed to make visitors aware of saving money opportunities accross a whole range of products,and introducing the visitors to the Companies website where they offer
the best range of products at the most competitive prices. Google Alerts can assist with news of any "Special Offers" that occur especially where they apply to a limited availability.

Posted by: Joseph Taylor | Dec 4, 2004 4:50:57 AM