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When to Press Send
Time to send that email newsletter. A new study of 19,000 campaigns finds that Mondays are the best day to send permission marketing newsletters.
Monday is the best day to send a permission-based marketing e-mail, with a delivery rate 1% above a company's average delivery rate, and one that's twice as good as rates for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The delivery rate on Friday is slightly below average, while Saturday and Sunday see rates significantly below average; Saturday is the worst day to send an e-mail in terms of delivery rate.
August 2, 2004 in Blog Outsourcing, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, business credibility, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, Business publications, Business relationships, CMO, Web/Tech | Permalink
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The study certainly interesting and helpful. Of course, it's important to understand your own customer's needs when picking a day to send. For example, at BeTuitive, we have a client who has many Canadian customers. It's vital that we keep Canadian holidays in mind when we determine a date to send e-newsletters to this client's customers.
In the U.S., the Monday holiday bill impacts when individuals are in the office.
Posted by: Susan | Aug 2, 2004 12:10:23 PM