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Finding the Right Word

Sometimes when you are wordsmithing your marketing materials or preparing that important presentation and you are trying desperately to think of just the right word. You know what you are trying to say you just can't pull that elusive word off the tip of your tongue.

OnelookreverseOne Look Reverse Dictionary is just what you are looking for. Enter a concept and it returns a list of words and related concepts. Go now. Play with it. Bookmark it. Come back soon.


October 7, 2004 in Business newsletter, Web/Tech | Permalink


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This is awesome - thanks!!

Posted by: aleah | Oct 8, 2004 2:48:43 PM

It can help you cheat on crosswords! That's so great. And so terrible.

Seriously though, anything that can help someone say what they mean more concisely and accurately is beyond useful. Just think of the snappy marketing catch-phrases this is going to help conjure.

Posted by: Sarah | Oct 11, 2004 9:47:56 AM