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Marketing Like A Sailor

David Wolfe over at Ageless Marketing makes a great analogy for marketing in today's market conditions. He describes the differences between marketing like a powerboater vs a sailer.

Marketers will increasingly find greater success by acting less like powerboaters slicing their way through their watery environments paying little heed to others. They will learn that the sailor’s mindset works better in today’s markets than the powerboater’s mindset.

Reflect a moment on differences between power boating and sailboating: Except in extreme conditions, powerboaters can ignore the forces of wind, wave and current, and reach their destinations. However, sailors can only reach their destinations by collaborating with the forces of wind, wave and current.

Interersting. Perhaps one of the best ways to market like a sailor is to be aware of market conditions just like a sailor would read the wind and sea conditions. At BeTuitive we work with freelance writers who are themselves dialed into their specific industries to provide content that is relevant and valuable to our clients and their subscribers. Beyond industry knowledge we can intuit exactly what customers are interested in by knowing what elements of the e-newsletter they read. The combination of these two strategies provides extremely valuable marketing intelligence to our clients helping them learn to sail through both the good market conditions and the challenges faced by today's savvy business marketers.


October 27, 2004 in Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, build credibility, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, business credibility, Business newsletter, Business publications, Business relationships, CMO | Permalink


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