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Enewsletter Sample Article
If you haven't signed up for the BeTuitive Newsletter I want to share an article you missed.
BeTuitive is all about actionable results through dynamite enewsletters and blogs. Toward that end we have some excellent writers who really know their stuff. If you want to have an excellent newsletter that engages readers you've got to have good headlines.
If the Headline Sucks, You’re History
If you are like most ambitious writers – or you are the person who relies on their work – chances are you sweat, furrow your brow and stay up way-too-late fretting over the perfect copy.Many a caffeine-driven writer worries; they wonder how to best button-hole important sources, ask probing questions, capture local color and structure an article into pithy, compelling prose.
Yet, there’s something that is far too often overlooked in the quest for Pulitzer Prize perfection: If the headline fails to capture readers’ interest, the story will go unread.
The same is true of digital marketing copy. If your “headline” is not persuasive, your message will fail to help you forge closer relationships and attract the interest of potential clients. A “headline” can be that line of words above an article, or the introductory words that label a Web page. A “headline” can also be the subject line in an email message.
A headline acts as the bridge over the gap between the creation of a good story and the reading of it. It must offer the essence of a story, boiled down to fit into a limited space. The headline’s job has always been critical in print publications. It is arguably more critical in the message-crowded world of electronic customer communications.
So, how do we make each headline into something that demands, screams or sweetly whispers “Read me” ?
Try three strategies:...continue reading
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December 20, 2004 in award winning blog, Blogging Tools, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, business credibility, Business newsletter, Business publications, Business relationships | Permalink
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