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Customer Intuition: Women Know When to Spend More
Customer intuition discovers woman's intuition. MarketingVox reports on a study that finds that women spend more than men on travel sites for plane tickets, rental cars and hotel bookings.
This is not surprising as many women have understandably different criteria when making travel plans. Safety, convenience, comfort, and image are important to women. Additionally, since many women are major multitaskers it's likely that they simply don't want to spend a lot of valuable/billable time comparison shopping and bargain hunting. By not spending an extra hour making a complex search and booking women know they can get back to the work at hand.
Women are smart. They know what's worth paying for.
Any smart women want to share their approach to making travel arrangements?
January 31, 2005 in Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, CMO, Travel | Permalink
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