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Getting Into Flickr
You know I am a big fan of the photo sharing site flickr. They do a lot of cool things with tags and rss feeds. I think savvy marketers should be setting up some feeds tracking some relevant tags to keep abreast of relevant keywords. You may have run across flickr feeds in tag searches at Technorati.
For those wanting to participate, and why not, lifehacker has a nice list of tips for beginners.
Choose your photos carefully before you upload[read]It’s a natural impulse to upload a bunch of photos to Flickr immediately. That’s a fine thing to do, but realize a free Flickr account limits you to a set amount of upload throughput per month. So choose and upload only your best pictures and leave space for all the future greats you’ll take through the rest of the month. (Account usage resets on the 1st of the month).
Related: Customer Intuition Tool: Try A Photo Contest
February 3, 2005 in award winning design, Award winning publications, Blog Outsourcing, build credibility, Building Customer Community, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, Web/Tech | Permalink
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