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Overwhelmed by Your E-Marketing Program?

We all agree that cellphone conversations in public can be annoying. Sometimes they are fascinating. When I commute by train if someone sitting behind me uses a cell phone it's like they are speaking right into my ear. I can't help but overhear their conversations. On a recent train ride a woman of certain demographics sat behind me an made 2 lengthy phone calls in 45 minutes. She discussed travel plans, work scheduling and tasks, car model preferences and marketing preferences(she was on her way to an auto show). Anecdotal information to be sure but full of insights that may not have been obvious based on appearances. By knowing something of what she was interested in I have a wealth of insights into who she is and how best I could communicate with her and sell to her.

In these times it's very hard to have a lot of time personally interacting with individual customers in order to inform and educate them about your products or services. Many people are turning to opt-in email newsletter marketing as a way to meet these needs in a cost effective way. There immediately becomes a challenge of consistently developing effective content, building and maintaining an email list, complying with the CAN-SPAM regs, etc. Many marketing departments are so busy doing these things that they miss the golden opportunities inherent in the medium. Actionable results.

If you are overwhelmed by the tasks of producing a regular e-newsletter consider outsourcing the whole process. Beyond a savings of workload, outsourcing can set and maintain a high level of quality while complying with regulations. Outsourcing brings professional industry specific expert writers to your project and provides individual level interaction data that can provide actionable results. Your follow-up reports will provide specific sales leads for your sales department.

If you want to see a sample newsletter why not sign-up for the monthly BeTuitive e-newsletter. You will see a great newsletter with great information about interactive e-marketing with dynamite newsletters.

If you are overwhelmed or just exploring your options why not spend just 3 minutes to fill out a brief pricing request form. You will get a reply in 24 hours or less and be better prepared to craft a strategic internet marketing plan.

February 17, 2005 in award winning newsletter, Award winning publications, Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, build credibility, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, business credibility, Business editorial, business magazine, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, Business publications, Business relationships, CMO, company blog | Permalink


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