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Sony Makes it Easy to Feed Your Fellow Gamers

Couldn't let this one get by. Sony has intuited that their video game customers might get hungry during multi-hour gaming sessions. Going beyond the in-game advertising that's all the rage these days. Sony provides a direct option where Everquest II players can simply type in "/pizza" while playing the game to bring up the Pizza Hut website were they can order a pizza online. Going further they want to build the option to have the cost of the pizza added to the monthly subscription fee paid by players. Just a cool little feature until you read that there are 330,000 active players. A win win situation to be sure.

Do you offer any products or services that could benefit from a synergistic partnership like this? Based on your own customer intuition could you build in a link to a truly useful product or service into your main offerings?


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February 25, 2005 in audio publication, Award winning publications, Blog Outsourcing, Business Marketing, CMO, Web/Tech | Permalink


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