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BeTuitive Newsletter: Continuous Learning
I am really looking forward to the next issue of the BeTuitive newsletter in a few days. I just learned the theme for this issue is continuous learning. I am always interested to learn how people are keeping up and continuing to learn and grow their knowledge and skill set. I for one am an avid reader of business books, magazines and blogs.
If you are like me you are at times overwhelmed by all the material you have to read. How do you keep up? I for one am very interested in checking out business book summaries that I could easily digest on the train(print versions) or in the car(audio versions).
So how are you learning these days? What is your approach to continuous education? Is it more formalized with classes and seminars or less structured reading and listening to audio materials? Do you have any recommendations of sites or resources that might help us all? Leave ideas and suggestions in the comments. Thanks.
tags: newsletter | BeTuitive | learning | business books
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March 29, 2005 in award winning magazine, Award winning publications, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, Business publications, Business relationships, CMO, company blog, Current Affairs, Web/Tech | Permalink
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What I do is probably no different than anyone else reading blogs. I treat my blogroll like the morning news and sift through it every morning in a leisurely enjoyable way. I wish I had more time to carefully read everything.
I'm very selective about taking classes and seminars. I download audio books and listen to them between flights on my iPod (I need to justify the purchase of the iPod,not the books).
Thank you for your blog. It's a terrific read.
Posted by: Robin Scanlon | Mar 31, 2005 1:31:36 AM
I'm with Robin on reading blogs - they've become such an immediate, important resource from open minds. In addition, I look outside the business realm when trying to gain perspective on things - I look to worlds of architecture, art, music, anthropology, history, etc. So often, business people get stuck in the hamster wheel of just reading business books. The best business people are those who look at business as just one thread in an intricately woven tapestry of life. The more we know about the threads surrounding and strenghening it, the better we are as people.
Posted by: Michele Miller | Apr 9, 2005 12:05:33 PM