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Know Your Audience
Presentation coach Scott Rayburn has some good advice for speakers and email marketers alike:
Know your audience.Here at BeConnected we have a whole category of posts detailing Customer Intuition Tools that can help you research, track and relate well with your customers. Use these tools wisely to look for patterns and commonalities that can help you develop better interactive marketing materials.That doesn’t mean learning people’s names and birthdays and favorite movies before you speak to them.
It means investing the time to determine how the people in your audience relate to one another. What commonalities exist? What burning issues might they be facing?
For an audience to be willing to let you enter their world, you first must demonstrate the thoughtfulness of a good guest. Make inquiries. Do your homework. Then acknowledge who they are and what they value as a community of people.
Neglect to do so, and you may be left knocking at their door, your message unheard, your objective unfulfilled, your opportunity lost.
tags: presentation coach | scott rayburn | customer | intuition
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April 28, 2005 in award winning newsletter, Award winning publications, Blog Outsourcing, Blogs, build credibility, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, Business editorial, business magazine, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, Business publications, Business relationships, CMO, company blog | Permalink
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» Know your customers (for speakers & marketers) from life (over IP)
Peter Davidson at BeConnected stresses the importance of researching and personalizing your message for your audience, whether you're a speaker or an email marketer. The more you know what the particular set of listeners want to hear or care... [Read More]
Tracked on Apr 28, 2005 11:03:39 PM