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Verbal Communication Tip

One of the best things you can do as a leader/manager is develop tips, tricks, techniques and hacks for bettering your verbal communication skills. Whether it's employees, vendor's or customers there are some creative strategies for communicating verbally. Some of these are useful and some are borderline rude. How about this technique from Jim at Tips of the Trade:

When you also want to avoid getting into an endlessly long and boring conversation with someone at work who doesn't know when to stop talking, but you must talk to them, do the following:

Open up your cellphone, and approach their cubicle. Say into the phone, "hold on one second." Then tell your talkative friend exactly what you need to tell them. They feel important because you interrupted your other conversation, but then you can motion to the phone to disengage them from any further small talk. Walk away and continue talking to your dial tone.

So what's your favorite technique? What do you think of this technique? Leave a comment.

Verbal Communication Skills

[Verbal Communication Tip at Tips of the Trade]

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June 12, 2005 in award winning newsletter, Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, build credibility, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Business newsletter | Permalink


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» Sorry, I Gotta Take This Call from BeTuitive
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Tracked on Jun 13, 2005 4:48:57 PM


Why the subterfuge?

What's wrong with being straightforward - "I've only got 5 minutes" or "I've got a 3 o'clock, but..." or...?

Deceit comes back to bite you. 'Nuff said.

Posted by: Eric Sohn | Jun 13, 2005 7:05:17 PM