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Tip for Finding Relevant Blogs

You may have read my interview with Sarah Eaton about blog stats from the July issue of the BeTuitive monthly Newsletter. If you haven't you can find it here. In the interview we talk about techniques for finding good relevant blogs to add to your daily/weekly reading routine.

One technique that I use that I didn't include in the interview is to use blog search engine tools like Technorati or Pubsub to create watchlists of relevant keywords, tags and phrases. These watchlists are usually available by RSS feed. Adding these feeds to your reader will bring you a wide selection of posts that contain your watch terms. Many of these posts will be relevant while the blog may not be relevant but you will also find new blogs that talk about your relevant terms. It can be a bit of a needle hunt but your hay time can be rewarded with some fantastic discoveries.

For example you may want to set up “word of mouth marketing” as a watchlist. Everyday you will receive numerous posts from a wide variety of blogs. Scanning these posts and clicking through to explore the source blogs may lead you to discover blogs focused on the current trends for word of mouth marketing.

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July 29, 2005 in award winning design, award winning magazine, blog publish, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Business Marketing, Web/Tech, Weblogs | Permalink


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