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Auto rental search service now available for BlackBerry

You're already attached to your BlackBerry for mobil email access. Here's a cool tip you can probably make use of. We've all been in situations where some added information would be significantly helpful.

CarRentals.com has just introduced its Mobile CarRentals.com Website for mobile devices, including BlackBerry, of course. The site lets you look for car rental agencies by zip code or airport symbol - the same symbol that is on your luggage.There are two ways to reach Mobile CarRentals.com's site on your BlackBerry. You can type http://www.carrentals.com. The server will recognize your device, and then resize the page for BlackBerry resolution. Alternatively, you can point your BlackBerry's Web browser to: http://mobile.carrentals.com. This will get you directly there.

Auto rental search service now available for BlackBerry:

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August 12, 2005 in Building Customer Community, Web/Tech | Permalink


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[Source: BeConnected] quoted: CarRentals.com has just introduced its Mobile CarRentals.com Website for mobile devices, including BlackBerry, of course. The site lets you look for car rental agencies by zip code or airport symbol - the same symbol that ... [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 10, 2005 2:24:28 PM
