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Customer Intuition Tools Help Swing Bad PR to Good PR
The Scobleizer points us to this post at furrygoat about an interaction with a company rep that read his blog complaints about their software product. The timely response of the company changed his mind about the product and swung bad PR to good PR all because the company was paying attention to the blogosphere. I have been encouraging people to set up Google, Technorati and PubSub alerts and watchlists for some time now. The evidence keeps coming that monitoring the conversation about you, your company and your products is essential.
Take a couple minutes, set some stuff up and see what's being said.
Technorati Tags: Google | Google Alerts | PR | PR Crisis | PubSub | Robert Scoble | Technorati | watchlists
August 18, 2005 in award winning design, award winning magazine, award winning newsletter, Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, Blogging Tools, Brand enhancement, build credibility, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, CMO, Current Affairs, Web/Tech, Weblogs | Permalink
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