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Basics of “Reading” Customers: Patterns

Patterns - How fast do your contacts respond to phonecalls, voicemail, faxes, emails and blog posts/comments? If your contacts haven't stipulated a preferred communication channel their response time and thoroughness of response will indicate a preference. The important thing is to look for patterns of normal activity so you can react when patterns are abnormal.

A customer that always responds to your emails within the hour who suddenly let's a day or half a day pass before responding is a sign that something has changed in their world that may or may not be relevant to your relationship. Perhaps it's time for a telephone call or a personal visit. They may have new responsibilities and congratulations are in order or perhaps there is a business crisis in progress that you may be abl to assist them with.

A contact that never initiates communication is found to be commenting on your blog regarding a new product. They are also found to not open your email newsletter. Suddenly they have opened your last three newsletters and read all three articles about the same new product. She's in the market to buy or is at least very very interested in the product. She may be researching for a friend and ready to refer you. A contact is in order.

The point is you need to be developing your sensitivity and awareness to patterns of communication that can indicate changes in your business relationships. Get in the habit of making notes about these patterns in your contact management program or your CRM app.

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September 25, 2005 in award winning magazine, award winning newsletter, Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, build credibility, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, CMO, Web/Tech | Permalink


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