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Can You Talk The Talk?

We all have had the experience of talking to a sales person who doesn't know our business. Back in the day I certainly wanted to throw out many an uneducated sales person. It's a catch 22...no experience...no sales...no sales...no experience. But sales teams need to do everything they can do to learn not just about companies but also about the roles, challenges and expectations of the executives. Do your sales and marketing teams understand and correctly use industry terms and jargon?

Here's a tool that says it does just that. As always your milage may very. Worth a look.

Executive Link is the FIRST and ONLY tool that links your sales team to executives roles. Executive Link details the issues they face, others that are effected by these issues, industry trends, industry terms, and solutions your company offers. We even give you the ability to customize the solutions to your products or services!

Executive Link

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September 7, 2005 in award winning newsletter, Blog Outsourcing, build credibility, Building Customer Community, Web/Tech | Permalink


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