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Hugh Macleod: Maybe Katrina is for wiki's what 9/11 was for blogs.
Uber blogger/copy writer/ cartoonist Hugh Macleod wonders if the Hurricane Katrina disaster aftermath might catapult the wiki into the mainstream like 9/11 and I think the Asian Tsunami brought blogs onto the main stage. If you don't know what a wiki is you soon will when the big media discovers that many many loved one's are using them to reach out for information about family and friends impacted by the hurricane.
A wiki is site made up of one or more reader generated and/or edited web pages. Visitors to the site can log in and edit the information themselves. In a sense it's like a digital bulletin board where anyone can add or remove a note. Most wikis have a history log so that changes can be reversed and tracked helping to avoid data vandalism.
In the case of Hurricane Katrina various wikis are growing to facilitate the exchange of information. Hugh has a round-up of hurricane wikis.
Of course, the grand daddy of all wikis is the Wikipedia which is a reader developed encyclopedia that relies on thousands of readers to contribute the current 713,558 of articles on a vast array of topics.
Technorati Tags: blog | Hugh Macleod | hurricane | Katrina | September 11 | Tsunami | Wikipedia
September 2, 2005 in award winning design, award winning magazine, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, Current Affairs, Television, Web/Tech, Weblogs | Permalink
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