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The Changing Music Industry: Roll Your Own Customer Relationships
No where are digital tools changing the customer relationship faster than the music business. Disintermediation is removing the recording industry(RIAA), traditional music distribution and sales (brick & mortar music stores), CD manufacturing and even radio stations from the space between the musicians and their customers (fans). These old school status quo interests aren't going quietly. We all watch in amazement as the industry sues it's former customers.
The future is unrolling around us and many musicians are finding effective ways to draw the ever shorter line that connects them to their fans. That line used to go through the record company, the recording studios, CD manufacturers, radio stations, media & PR to the fans. Now the line between musicians and fans runs from the musicians directly to their customers through the internet. New tools like blogs, wikis, podcasting, iPods, and the iTunes Music Store are allowing musicians to build their fan base in more connected intimate ways. No longer do fans have to turn to third parties like the entertainment media to quench their thirst for information about their favorite musicians. You want to know more about your favorite band? Now you can read their blog and subscribe to their podcast.
More than ever before musicians have the ability to communicate directly to their customers and build direct relationships. The permission assets of email lists, blog feed subscriptions, podcast subscriptions, etc. give bands the ability to market and deliver their story and music faster and more powerfully than ever before. Customers (fans) who are this connected will be eager to buy merchandise, attend concerts, patronize marketing partners and evangelize the brand.
The good news is more potential revenue for musicians as fewer and fewer intermediaries take a cut of the revenue. The downside is that the new skills and tools of marketing and PR are in the hands of musicians that may not be well educated and skilled at the business of promoting their creative output.
So if your teenage daughter's band is using Garage Band to record their music in the basement. You need to help her discover the new tools of the music business. Help her start a blog, start a podcast, submit her music to the Podsafe Music Network to get it played on podcasts, burn some CDs on her computer, set up to sell those CDs online through CD Baby, and open a CafePress store to sell band merchandise.
Help your young musicians to learn how to build relationships with their fans not just sell CDs. Whether they pursue their music or go into other fields the ability to build customer relationships will serve them well.
Technorati Tags: B2C | blog | Blogger | Cafe Press | CD Baby | customer | customer communications | emarketing | Garage Band | iTunes | marketing | Music Industry | permission marketing | Podcast | Podcasting | Podsafe Music Network | PR | promotion | Music Business | RIAA | sales | selling | subscribe | syndication | technology | teenager | trend | viral marketing | word of mouth
October 2, 2005 in award winning design, award winning magazine, Blog Outsourcing, Brand enhancement, build credibility, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Business Marketing, Business newsletter, Business publications, CMO, Web/Tech | Permalink
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» Radio-free Artists from Radio Marketing Nexus
From consultant Peter Davidson: The future is unrolling around us and many musicians are finding effective ways to draw the ever shorter line that connects them to their fans. That line used to go through the record company, the recording [Read More]
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» The Changing Music Industry: Roll Your Own Customer Relationships from DVD Recorder Info
[Source: BeConnected] quoted: Disintermediation is removing the recording industry(RIAA), traditional music distribution and sales (brick mortar music stores), CD manufacturing and even radio stations from the space between the musicians and thei... [Read More]
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