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Remembering Peter Davidson

Peter Davidson passed away on January 30, 2007.  He was an important part of BeTuitive Publishing and of the blogosphere at large, and is greatly missed.  Peter was a respected member of the blogging community; his blogs Thinking by Peter Davidson and BeConnected were read and subscribed to by hundreds of people.  Peter was someone who looked forward to future possibilities and aimed to help others in all he did.  His unflinching writing style and clear opinions made him stand out. 

He was a pioneer blogger, an early adopter who worked tirelessly to determine the benefits and effects of blogs as marketing tools.  Peterʼs interests in technology, relationship-building, design and architecture, and his passion for making a positive difference in the world, shone through in everything he did.  We will all miss Peterʼs voice.

Donations may be sent to The Peter Davidson WCA International Scholarship Fund, c/o Willow Creek Association, P.O. Box 3188, Barrington, IL, 60011.

February 6, 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)