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And Make It Snappy
Posted on November 23, 2004 by Sarah Eaton.
You know what to write about, you know who you want to send it to--the next step is making it actually effective.
Here's a ClickZ article on pumping up your e-marketing copy to make it say what you really want it to say and make it do what you really want it to do:
Great copy is part art, part science. You don't start writing by writing; you start by reading, brainstorming, researching, and getting into your topic area. Even once there's a first draft, it can often be improved by sleeping on it and returning to it the next morning. This isn't just my experience; many great copywriters I've worked with say the same.
Even though this article applies more directly to the art (and science) of writing copy for ads (taglines, product descriptions, etc.), her ideas also do translate to writing full-length articles for e-newsletters, in the sense that the writer needs to keep the reader in mind and focus on achieving an end result through content and style.
November 23, 2004 in award winning magazine, award winning newsletter, Blogs, Brand enhancement, business credibility, Business newsletter, CMO, company blog, Company newsletters, Corporate newsletter | Permalink
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