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The Chipmunks are Singing

Posted on November 24, 2004 by Sarah Eaton.

Is it too early for you to be hearing sleigh bells?  Me, too.  If I haven't carved my tofurkey yet, I don't even want to think about December. But I heard Alvin and the Chipmunks singing about what they want for Christmas in the grocery store last night, so I guess that means the holiday season is upon us. 

I ran across an article on holiday e-marketing by marketing writer Debbie Weil from around this time last year.  As usual, her advice is sound, and still applicable: tell your readers you love them, make your design holiday-pretty, keep it short, and don't bother people too much during the last few weeks of December.

Also, it's time for that end-of-year wrap-up.  A time to reflect while staring off into the middle distance.

Maybe, as Debbie suggests, it's time for you to put together a "best of" collection from your e-newsletters.  She says you could use the collection as a holiday gift for your loyal readers. 

I think it might be an even better idea to use the "best of" pieces as a major section of your (otherwise short and covered in snowflakes) December issue.  You could do it like the recording artists do--put a bunch of your greatest hits in the newsletter, and then add a couple of new songs. 

Except you would be adding new articles.  You get what I mean.  Let your readers reflect back on how much value you've provided them over the past year.  This way you're not only showing your readers you love them, but reminding them how much they love you.


November 24, 2004 in award winning magazine, Blog Outsourcing, Blogging Tools, build credibility, Building Customer Community, Business publications, company blog, Corporate publications | Permalink


Okay, I admit it. I'm something of a grinch. So, to spoil a little of your Xmas glee, I must point to the dark side of marketing during the holidays.

Check out this ClickZ report on the Internet security fears stalking folks as visions of sugar plums dance through their heads.

"Concerns Over Online Threats This Holiday Season"


The report is not strictly applicable to the B2B crowd. However, it is important to consider the Internet assailants -- spyware, worms, viruses-- that scare business users away from signing up for e-newsletters and trolling Web site.

Posted by: Susan | Nov 29, 2004 2:18:46 PM

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