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Tracking Personal Data
Posted on December 17, 2004 by Sarah Eaton.
There are a couple of things that are given about January. 1: you are given a (figurative) clean slate, and 2: the gym is going to be way more crowded than usual.
Probably there are all kinds of things you're trying to clean up, tie up, and wrap up right now. Me, too. And aside from all the things I have to do, I'm also thinking of all of the people I haven't spoken to in a long time.
Here's my plan to catch up: every morning while brewing my coffee over the next two weeks, I'm going to think of three people that I am definitely, no matter what, going to talk to that day. I will make sure I've got the contact info for each of those people, and, when I've got a couple of minutes, I will call them. Easy enough.
I know they'll be busy, too, but a few minutes is all each of us needs.
December 17, 2004 in award winning magazine, Blogs, Building Customer Community, Business Marketing | Permalink
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