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Something Outside of the Ordinary, Outside of Business--Something Personal

Posted on January 28, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.

Today I had a phone conversation that made me think about how I talk to people, and how they talk to me.

It was with someone who has been trying to sell me a product for a while now--he just called to touch base and let me know he was appearing on a television show next week. 

Really?  I asked.  Which one?  And we went from there.  By the end of the call we were chatting away like a couple of old school chums. 

He presented me with some information that was out of the ordinary, something that was outside of our business connection, something personal.  It was a sales script of a different sort--a conversation.

That sales rep stopped being a voice and became a person.  The next time he calls, I won't have that moment of disconnect while I try to place his name.

Hmmm...I thought to myself...I can be having these "conversation" things with everybody I talk to.

January 28, 2005 in award winning blog, award winning magazine, award winning newsletter, Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, build credibility, Building B2B Relationships, Business newsletter, Business publications, corporate magazine | Permalink


Interesting...I had a similar experience recently.
Here's some good advice on "foot-in-the-door" sales scripts from Wendy Weiss, the author of "Cold Calling for Women: Opening Doors and Closing Sales."

"You want your prospect to buy your product or service. That's all true, but that comes later. What you want now is to get your "foot in the door." You want to introduce yourself, your product and/or your company so that later the prospect can be induced to buy. If your prospect does not know you, is not familiar with your product or service, they will never buy it. "

Posted by: Susan Fisher | Jan 31, 2005 1:54:28 PM

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