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Getting Back into the Swing of Things
Posted on April 06, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.
When I was a little girl, and it was early spring, my mother was always telling me to put on a coat. "This is the time of year when people get sick," she'd say.
Well, her folk wisdom turns out to have contained a grain or two of truth, since, following my gallivanting coatless for the first half of the weekend, I found myself lying prostrate on the couch suffering from flu symptoms for the second half. And for Monday.
And let me tell you, although one of the perks of being sick is catching up on "my stories" (when did Sammie become a man? And what's up with John and Kate?), I couldn't quite relax, because I couldn't stop thinking about the massive amounts of stuff piling up in my inbox. And when I came back yesterday, there it was, the stuff of nightmares.
I spent most of the day crunching through emails, and today, I'm still not quite caught up. Does anybody out there in bloggerland have any advice for getting back into the swing of things when you've been out?
April 6, 2005 in award winning design, Business publications, create a newsletter | Permalink
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