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Requisite Joke for April Fool's Day

Posted on April 01, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.

Okay, this doesn't exactly elicit knee-slapping and the need to wipe away tears of mirth.  But it's April Fool's Day, so something sort of funny had to be done.

Here are MarketingSherpa's email marketing cartoons.

April 1, 2005 in audio publication, award winning blog, Blogging Tools, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, Business publications, company newsletter | Permalink


Would you place a live lobster in a co-worker's car or fake labor? What's the wackiest thing you've ever done on April Fool's Day? Apparently, some folks really enjoy their yucks on this "holiday."
Check out the findings from CareerBuilder.com's survey of most memorable pranks:

10. Gave a message to my boss to return a call to Mr. Lyon. The number
was to the local zoo.
9. Pretended to go into labor when I was 8 months pregnant.
8. Froze co-worker's car keys in a bucket of water.
7. Switched the boss's lottery ticket with a fake winning one.
6. Tricked a fellow bank worker into thinking we were robbed while he
was out to lunch.
5. Sent a manager with a reputation for "playing the field" a fake
summons for child support.
4. Fooled the boss by setting up an interview with a female job
candidate who actually turned out to be one of the male employees.
3. Placed live lobsters in a co-worker's car.
2. Hired someone to play a police officer and arrest a co-worker.
1. Installed a working urinal in a co-worker's office.

Source: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/050328/cgm004.html?.v=3

Posted by: Susan Fisher | Apr 6, 2005 1:01:24 PM

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