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The Wrong Side of the Bed
Posted on April 18, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.
Everybody has those days when nothing goes quite right. Just this morning I spilled my entire mug of Earl Gray tea on the train. Fortunately, the fellow standing next to me was having a better day and managed to move his backpack out of the way before the rushing stream of tea reached him.
Why did I spill my tea? Because I was changing the batteries in my old-fashioned CD player (yes, I know I wouldn't have had this problem if I would just upgrade to an iPod) while leaning against the side of the train and hugging my travel mug between my feet. The train stopped suddenly. It was bound to happen.
What could have prevented this? A little organization. I knew my batteries were dead. I should have changed them at home. Heck, I could have even done it the night before. And, if I hadn't hit snooze that extra time, I could have spent some more time over breakfast and wouldn't have even needed to bring along my portable tea.
If only I had run into this helpful list yesterday...
April 18, 2005 in award winning blog, Award winning publications, Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, company newsletter, company newsletter sample, corporate magazine, Corporate newsletter, create a newsletter | Permalink
I am so sorry I did not respond to your blog the night before. If I had only neatly planned my response to your blog entry the night before I wouldn't be struggling for something to say about it now.
Hold the phone - I couldn't have planned my response to this blog entry because it hadn't been posted the night before. Confused?
Well here's my point: spontaneity is the spice of life. I've very well organized and have my work well planned (just consult my Outlook) but at a certain point you have to embrace the day and accept the chaos. Over planning can be just as dangerous as under planning.
Posted by: Susan Fisher | Apr 18, 2005 3:54:51 PM
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