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Follow, the Leader

Posted on May 31, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.

We're all enlightened.  We all know being a quality leader's got nothing to do with telling people what to do.  It's about creating a vision that others are excited to get behind.

And what about being a follower?  Now there's a dirty word.  Nobody wants to be a weak, pathetic, spineless follower when they could be a creative, exciting visionary of a leader.

But I would go so far as to say that to be a good leader, you must, at heart, be a good follower.

The reason?  Leaders aren't infallible.  Sometimes it's necessary to step back and listen to what the followers are saying; in many cases they're a lot closer to the situation and know in a very real way the consequences of whatever decision that is made.

There's nothing weak, pathetic, or spineless about that.

May 31, 2005 in award winning blog, award winning magazine, award winning newsletter, Award winning publications, Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, company newsletter, company newsletter sample, Company newsletters, Company publication, create a newsletter | Permalink


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