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Because You're So Flippin' Busy

Posted on July 05, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.

You've been waking up at three a.m. every day for the last week with the same thought: Man, e-newsletters are great tools for marketing to prospects and current customers and building and maintaining relationships, but they sure seem to be a lot of work.

This is not the point where I assuage your late-night fears.  This is the point where I say, "Um, yeah.  E-newsletters sure are a lot of work."

And it's not just the month-to-month production of the e-newsletter I'm talking about--it's all of the organizational stuff you'll have to set up to get it off the ground.  The e-newsletter is a complex animal.  Who's gonna write this thing?  Edit it? Design it?  Manage and segment the data?  Ensure deliverability?  And who will figure all that out?  You?  You. 

Instead of researching best practices and philosophies for e-newsletters, instead of coralling writers from your staff (or locating freelancers, or, heaven forfend, writing it yourself), and instead of chewing your fingernails down to nubs thinking about deliverability and data management, you can turn to someone who already knows how to do this

And then you can go golfing.  (Or work on all that other stuff you're so busy doing.)

12 Reasons to Outsource Your E-Newsletter (the rest are to come, friends, over the next several weeks):

1.  Because You're So Flippin' Busy, and it's tough to get such a complicated project off the ground.












July 5, 2005 in audio publication, award winning blog, award winning newsletter, Award winning publications, Blogging Tools, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Intuition, Business editorial, business magazine, Business Marketing, company blog, company magazine, company newsletter, company newsletter sample, corporate magazine, create a newsletter | Permalink


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