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What I Did on My Summer Vacation

Posted on August 23, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.

Easing back in, I thought I'd tell you about my vacation.

Basically, I went to Brooklyn because that is where my best friend and his wife live, with brief forays into Manhattan to do tourist-y things, like go to MoMA (excellent new acquisition by Ellen Gallagher, altered magazine pages) and to The Pillowman (it turns out I don't hate theatre--I hate bad theatre; this was good). 

Also what I did was stay up way too late for several nights in a row and get a cold that knocked me flat for three days.  Nothing like illness to give you a vacation from your vacation. 

But, I'm back now, and while I'm playing catch-up from last week and battling the last of a cough, I'm also thinking about e-marketing.  And will return to topic tomorrow. 

August 23, 2005 in award winning design | Permalink


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