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Gah! I missed it!
Posted on September 01, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.
Yesterday was Blog Day, and I totally spaced it. So today, for me, is an unofficial extension.
Here are my four recommendations (I'm counting my post from earlier this week about The WebMarketCentral blog as the fifth). Of the recommendations below, only one has anything to do with marketing. Forewarned is forearmed.
- standBy Bert is a blog written by the marvelous Elizabeth Crane. I picked up All This Heavenly Glory randomly from the new books section of the library, devoured it with delight, and have since become a Fan.
- WonderBranding: Marketing to Women is a blog I just caught on to. So far it has failed to disappoint. Michele Miller's voice is strong.
- PostSecret you might already know about. People anonymously create and send postcards with their secrets on them, and PostSecret publishes them once a week. It's art, man.
- Agony & Ivy bloggers blog about the trials, tribulations and joys of being a Cubs fan. Lately more about trials and tribulations. With reason.
Bon appetit!
tags: WebMarketCentral | Elizabeth Crane | standBy Bert | Michele Miller | WonderBranding | PostSecret | Agony & Ivy | Blog Day
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September 1, 2005 in audio publication, award winning design, award winning magazine, award winning newsletter, Award winning publications, Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, Blogging Tools, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, company newsletter, company newsletter sample, Company publication | Permalink
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