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Google+Blogs=Google Blog Search

Posted on September 14, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.

So what do you think?  When Google Blog Search goes live, will it have a significant impact on blog traffic and popularity?  Is the thing that's holding blogs back from the common people the lack of Google searchability?


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September 14, 2005 in award winning blog, award winning magazine, Award winning publications, blog publish, Blogging Tools, Brand enhancement, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, business credibility, Business publications, company blog, company magazine, company newsletter, company newsletter sample, corporate magazine, create a newsletter | Permalink


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Hrm… couple random thoughts from the other blogophile at BeTuitive…

One: in my (somewhat limited) observations, the folk out there in cyberspace are either fairly tech savvy and/or blogophilic, or they're not. The blogophiles probably already know how to find the blogs they're looking for -- Technorati or other blog search engines, or simply combining a Google search with the word "blog." The question is, will the non-blogophiles care?

Two: right now the Google blog search is sort of buried under their front page -- you have to click on "more" first, and then on "blog search" from a list of all their search engines, so it's less than perfectly intuitive. I don’t think this will encourage the non-bloggers much, since they probably don't move in circles that would have heard about the launch. And unless it's right in front of them, it probably won't occur to them to use it. Will the non-blogophiles care? Probably not if you don't make them curious, first. Right now there's not much of a dangling carrot.

Of course I could be totally wrong and the non-blogos decide that Google + blogs = easy simply because Google has that reputation. It'll be interesting to watch. I'll be keeping an eye on my server logs. =)

Posted by: Kat, BeTuitive web/design geek | Sep 14, 2005 1:26:24 PM

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