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Aggregator Addiction and You

Posted on October 20, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.

Okay, I'll admit it: A more accurate headline for this post should be "Aggregator Addiction and Me."

Over the last week, I've been switching computers and the final thing to be instated on my machine today was NewsGator.  When I hit the icon and the little folders started populating, I felt a little misty with relief. 

It turns out that, in my world, blog reading is a great way to decompress and get my brain moving in a different direction.  A tiny little break between working on larger projects.  However, recently I heard from a friend that she disabled her news aggregator because it was too distracting and too tough to keep up with.

What do you think?

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October 20, 2005 in audio publication, award winning design, award winning magazine, Award winning publications, Blog Outsourcing, Blogging Tools, Brand enhancement, build credibility, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, business magazine, Business newsletter, Business relationships, company blog, company newsletter, Company publication, Corporate Blogging, corporate magazine, create a newsletter | Permalink


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