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You're Wasting Other People's Valuable Time By Blogging

Posted on October 25, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.

From AdAge (reg. required):  35 million people read blogs at work, wasting 4.8 billion work hours in 2005 (reading blogs unconnected to their jobs.)

I guess if you're doing a marketing blog you needn't feel too guilty about causing all of that slacking on the job, because you're being relevant...

Ooo--here's another good stat: Currently there are 19.6 million blogs, and:

If that growth were to continue, all 6.7 billion people on the planet will have a blog by April 2009.

And at that point, all work will cease and that's all we'll do all day, blog and read each other's blogs.

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October 25, 2005 in award winning magazine, Award winning publications, blog publish, Blogging Tools, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, business credibility, Business publications, company newsletter, company newsletter sample, Company newsletters, Company publication, corporate magazine, create a newsletter | Permalink


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