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Our Chief in Chief Marketer

Posted on November 03, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.

E-zine publishing is an art, my friends.  And...it is a science.  How do you combine the two to make the perfect product--form and function?

Todd Smart sat down with Eda Galeno of Chief Marketer recently and answered her questions on the subject.  A snippet to whet your hunger for knowledge:  When asked what the ingredients to a successful newsletter are, he replied that content with tangible value was the most important.

E-Zine IQ: But how do you gauge relevance for a third party?

Smart: You must understand what prospects and customers think is valuable. A lot of companies look inward instead of outward, and the newsletter becomes all about them. When we’re working for a customer that hires us to develop their newsletter, we ask what kind of information will make their customers’ and prospects’ lives better. We want to know what difficulties they experience, so we can alleviate them. Ultimately, we’re looking for the answer to this question: What kind of information is so valuable to your subscribers that they would pay for it? Now, I’m not asking that they do pay for it. But the discovery process of formulating a newsletter and putting together relevant content depends on where the reader places importance.

You can read the whole thing here.

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November 3, 2005 in award winning newsletter, Award winning publications, blog publish, Blogs, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, Business editorial, business magazine, Business Marketing, Business relationships, company magazine, Company newsletters, Company publication, Corporate publications, create a newsletter | Permalink


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