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The Future Is Now, And 2006 Is Just Around The Corner

Posted on November 16, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.

Things that I love about November:

1. The abrupt change in weather

2.  2006 I-Can-See-The-Future lists

3.  Thanksgiving

Okay, so the first in that list is a lie, and the third is obvious, but the second is true true true.  Because lists, in and of themselves, are fun, but when they're lists about the Future?  Even better.  (I also like Best-Of-This-Year lists, and also Worst-Of-This-Year lists, but that's a story for December.)

So, without further ado, here's a list of predictions from Drew Neisser.  What's to happen in 2006?  Why, this:

Newest Job Title: Blog Monitor

Podcasting: Overhyped Again

And much more, so read on.

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November 16, 2005 in audio publication, award winning blog, award winning magazine, Award winning publications, Blogging Tools, Brand enhancement, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, business credibility, Business Marketing, Business publications, CMO, company blog, company magazine, company newsletter, company newsletter sample, Company publication, corporate magazine, Corporate publications, create a newsletter | Permalink


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