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Write Like a Pro
Posted on December 19, 2005 by Sarah Eaton.
I know, I know. I've been AWOL from my own dear blog for far too long. I could give you a litany of excuses, or I could just say I'm sorry. I choose the latter: My apologies, readers and friends.
But look! I have found an article by Julie Jordan Scott about how to write great articles for the Web, so it makes up for my extended absence! Yes?
It's worth a look-see, too. Example:
4. Allow your readers to hear YOUR voice shine
through in your article. People purchase authenticity,
not screeching, cookie cutter pitches.
Click on through to read more.
tags: Julie Jordan Scott | extended absences | heartfelt apologies | writing great articles
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December 19, 2005 in award winning blog, award winning design, award winning magazine, award winning newsletter, Blogs, Brand enhancement, Building Customer Intuition, Business editorial, business magazine, Business newsletter, Business publications, Business relationships, company newsletter, Company publication, Corporate Blogging, Corporate newsletter, create a newsletter | Permalink
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Welcome back, Sarah! Don't be too harsh on yourself. Some say that we're not blogging if we don't do one post per day. I tend to lean toward this: don't just put "stuff" out there when you don't have something meaningful and heartfelt to say.
Merry Christmas,
Posted by: Skip Lineberg | Dec 22, 2005 5:03:09 PM
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