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Authors Connect, People Buy More

Posted on February 03, 2006 by Sarah Eaton.

Here's something I missed: Amazon Connect.  What an excellent, excellent idea! 

Essentially, it's author blogs, the idea behind which is that, when fans feel more connected with authors, they'll buy more books. 

Now, I happen to believe reading is a very personal thing.  You invest hours into someone's work, and get to know the characters in the book well enough that sometimes you start to believe you know the author.  The blog can only extend this feeling.  If I read a book I love, and I find the author's blog, and I read it regularly, and that author talks about another book she has coming out, the chances of me buying that book are much higher.

I think this idea can be extended, too.  Blogs and newsletters forge personal connections (when they have personal voices in them), and the opt-in recipients start to feel as if, through that voice communicating valuable information, that the voice is (dare I say?) a friend.

What a convoluted sentence.  But you get my gist.

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February 3, 2006 in award winning blog, award winning magazine, Award winning publications, create a newsletter | Permalink


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