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From One to Many
Posted on March 06, 2006 by Sarah Eaton.
As you may have noticed, my posting has decreased to the point of...there not being very many posts any more. It's not because I don't like you anymore--I do! It's because my job description at BeTuitive has been morphing, and I don't have as much time as I used to have to write.
The solution to this seemed obvious to me: Group blog! I invited some of my team members to join me in posting. You've already gotten to know Kat a little bit. Kevin and Dave will also be jumping on board to add their perspectives. I dig the group blog; I think it's ripe with possibility. All of those different ideas flying around. I can't wait to see the direction in which my little blog moves once everything's set and everyone's active.
So, a hearty welcome to the newcomers!
tags: group blog | Kevin Grant | Dave Borra
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March 6, 2006 in award winning design, award winning magazine, Building Customer Intuition | Permalink
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