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It's a cube--no wait, it's a filter

Posted on March 30, 2006 by Sarah Eaton.

So this looks pretty neat, based on the article I read in the NY Times.  Hardware as spam guard dog rather than software.

However, here are the last two sentences of the article, which doesn't bode well for opt-in marketers:

In one week, 579 pieces of spam flowed into my e-mail accounts and the Spam Cube correctly identified all but 16 as spam.

Unfortunately, it also flagged 90 legitimate messages as spam or phishing messages.

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March 30, 2006 in audio publication, award winning blog, Blogging Tools, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, business credibility, Business editorial, business magazine, Business publications, Business relationships, create a newsletter | Permalink


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