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As I Look Around the Office...
Posted on April 12, 2006 by Kevin G.
…I suddenly realize a change inside of me. I feel inspired!
A change was needed to reinvigorate my
morale. Our offices have had a major facelift with readjusting
our work areas and lowering the level of clutter. With a new paint job and snazzy lighting
fixtures to top it off, it seems that spring has sprung within our walls.
- Lighting - natural and processed
- Walls - providing privacy but not seclusion
- Visibility of nature - through potted-plants or windows
- Color scheme - a new paint job can make or break focus and happiness
- Colleague visibility - creating a sense of community while being independent
Take a look at Todd’s rant on the importance of workplace
efficiency and how to eliminate the bad seed.
tags: Spring Cleaning | Inspiration | Fresh Ideas
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April 12, 2006 in award winning design, corporate magazine | Permalink
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