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As I Look Around the Office...

Posted on April 12, 2006 by Kevin G.

…I suddenly realize a change inside of me. I feel inspired!

Winter has left that dreary taste in my mouth from overcast days and slush collecting on the sidewalks…gotta love Chicago

A change was needed to reinvigorate my morale.  Our offices have had a major facelift with readjusting our work areas and lowering the level of clutter. With a new paint job and snazzy lighting fixtures to top it off, it seems that spring has sprung within our walls.

These changes allow me stay fresh and look at situations with a clear and open focus. Mark Arend, in his article concerning workplace performance, states how, “investments in the work environment add value for all users of that environment.” Not only can measures taken to enhance the quality of a working environment be enjoyed, but measured through productivity. Here are some ideas to consider when addressing your work space:

  • Lighting - natural and processed
  • Walls - providing privacy but not seclusion
  • Visibility of nature - through potted-plants or windows
  • Color scheme - a new paint job can make or break focus and happiness
  • Colleague visibility - creating a sense of community while being independent

Take a look at Todd’s rant on the importance of workplace efficiency and how to eliminate the bad seed.

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April 12, 2006 in award winning design, corporate magazine | Permalink


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