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Chews Your Facts
Posted on April 24, 2006 by Kathryn Regina.
As civilized members of society we follow rules that don’t always seem meaningful. In middle school, “no chewing gum” was a rule that seemed particularly pointless. As an adult I understand that the school administrators did not want a rainbow of gum smeared into the carpet and smudged all over the walls. I’m sure we would have made a beautiful gum mural in the gymnasium if left to our own devices.
But what if the school had known then what we know now: That gum can decrease stress, improve memory, help you lose weight and whiten your teeth. At least, that’s what preliminary studies are showing. On March 29th Wrigley opened the Wrigley Science Institute in hopes of substantiating these claims. According to Yahoo! News, Wrigley states it will fund large-scale studies by respected scientists in order to arrive at conclusive, peer-reviewed findings.
Wrigley’s commitment to research is driven by hard numbers. While sales of regular gum has virtually flat-lined, specialty gums (whiteners, for example) is up nearly 300%. Credible research could shoot sales through the roof.
Here at BeTuitive, we know that edu-marketing is a powerful strategy. In this post-enlightenment world, facts are the new currency. Unfortunately, though, there are a lot of meaningless facts floating around. It’s important to understand which facts your customers find valuable. Miller Heiman, a BeTuitive client, recommends that you ask: What are your customers trying to fix, accomplish or avoid? Whether it be through a white paper or a content-driven newsletter, it’s key to offer solutions in a credible and valuable way.
tags: chewing gum | marketing | edu-marketing | white papers
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April 24, 2006 in CMO | Permalink
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