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White is chastity; White is death.
Posted on May 04, 2006 by Kat.
Our clients hear me talk about color all the time. Color has an amazing amount of impact over how your customers view your materials -- and by extension, your company. Color can guide the eye and affect emotions (and hence, affect purchasing decisions), and is a powerful tool in your design arsenal. Of course, you have to keep your audience and your goals in mind when choosing color -- as indicated in my title, the same color can have different psychological meanings depending on the culture your audience grew up in. But color choice, ideally, should have some thought and purpose behind it.
Find out more in this excellent article on The Psychology Of Color In Marketing. (A few years old, but still applicable and worth the read.)
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May 4, 2006 in award winning magazine, award winning newsletter, blog publish, Building Customer Community, company blog, company newsletter, corporate magazine | Permalink
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