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ASIMO paves the way to a better, brighter future.
Posted on December 18, 2006 by David Borra.
Today I came across a commercial for Honda’s ASIMO, which stands for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility. ASIMO according to Honda is “the World’s Most Advanced Humanoid Robot." This new robot, which originally debuted on October 31, 2000, continues to advance and the latest model now has the ability to run. The main function the creators had intended for ASIMO was to be able to assist people who are in need, such as those that are confined to a bed or wheelchair. To me it seems this can really advance the healthcare industry. While some people may fear this advancement in technology, I embrace it and feel that it will really revolutionize the way we live. To read more information about ASIMO go here.
December 18, 2006 in award winning design, award winning magazine, Award winning publications, Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, business credibility, Business relationships, CMO, company blog, corporate magazine, Corporate newsletter | Permalink
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