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Your Audience is the Seven Dwarfs…it’s that simple.
Posted on December 14, 2006 by Jeff Sanchez.
Design is crucial to a business' communication and overall presence in the market. Whatever the target audience may be, design can connect. If it is doing the opposite and widening the gap…change is in order! The audience is always the number one concern and if your designs -- on the web, in print, in any media -- are not following through, you may find a useful solution by transporting yourself back to childhood and thinking of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
A great article on designdump.com breaks down the user (in reference to web design) as always personifying one of the seven dwarfs -- Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy and Sneezy. I find it to be a great concept and could translate across multiple mediums beyond the web. Anyone can sift their target audience through the seven dwarfs approach and adjust the beauty, function and technology of the design accordingly.
Take a gander and hi-ho-hi-ho it's off to work you go (I couldn't resist)…
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December 14, 2006 in company blog | Permalink
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