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Even Giants Can't Escape PR Rollercoaster

Posted on January 15, 2007 by Vinnie Lacey.

Wal-Mart.  Love it.  Hate it.  Or, like me, have a love/hate relationship with it.  But one thing you must respect is the retail giant's extraordinary commitment to health care for all its employees.

Yes, folks, a new year and the same old sarcasm.  But I'm just the messenger.

With the Mart often getting bad press from activists, I poked around online to see if I could find some other points of view.  The investigation quickly turned into an exploration of the company's PR machine, as I ran into this article from BusinessWeek's "Best and Worst of PR in 2006."  Mixed results.

Then I came across this illuminating article on the Mart's new commitment to energy saving lightbulbs.  Oprah?  Now that's some powerful PR.

After this cursory glance, I give Wal-Mart high marks in the PR department for smart campaigns, access to inexpensive necessities, and admitting wrongdoing sooner rather than later.

Now if they could only halt this slow degradation of American culture.   

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January 15, 2007 in award winning blog, award winning design, blog publish, build credibility, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, company magazine, corporate magazine, Corporate newsletter, Corporate publications | Permalink


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