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What Can Brown (on white) do For You?

Posted on January 17, 2007 by Kevin G.

I came across an article about the new ad campaign for UPS.  Originally harnessing the slogan “What can brown do for you,” the company is looking to express that mentality in a broader way.

Described as the company’s “most integrate communication campaign ever,” the campaign will involve multiple mediums including print, online and television commercials amongst others.  The commercial I found below is slightly reminiscent of Apple commercials, if only they decided to use Zach Braff from Scrubs. 

The commercial is kept simple and direct, which is refreshing.  Bottom line, they aim to make complex shipping seem like a piece of cake.  I am convinced, see for yourself.

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January 17, 2007 in award winning blog, award winning magazine, Award winning publications, blog publish, Blogs, build credibility, Building Customer Community, bulk email marketing, Business editorial, Business Marketing, Business publications, CMO, company magazine, company newsletter sample, Company publication | Permalink


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