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Sales 4.0: Not Your Kid Brother's Lemonade Stand

Posted on February 12, 2007 by Vinnie Lacey.

Call me a skeptic, but am I wrong to suspect technology has complicated--not streamlined--the sales processes?  My simple measuring stick: more information generally equals more headaches. We're swamped at home; we're swamped in the workplace.  Give me one more place to read information on a potential lead, track my calls, and network network network, and I just might transition into a promising career in ditch digging.

But don't call me a pessimist just yet.  I'm giving it a shot.  Diving in headfirst.  Enlighten me oh wondrous, endless information age.  Make me a fool for your coy clicks, a sucker for your blips and beeps and colorful images.  I'm ready for an electronic co-dependent relationship.

My guiding light?  A recent Inc. article entitled "Turning Sales into Science" which boasts, "Your bottom line may never be the same" in the era of  "Sales 2.0."  (Side note: In our line of business, I get the idea of effective branding, but isn't the "2.0" moniker getting a little tired?  I have no more patience for such vacuous naming and capricious numbering.  But if that's the game, then I'm playing by my own rules.  My blog is hereby dubbed Sales 4.0.  Take that.)

For the next two weeks I will be whisked away into the e-wonder that is the networking site LinkedIn (called MySpace for businesspeople, but apparently without the cute photos) and the business directory/lead generator Spoke.

Check in the next two months to track my adventures in Sales 4.0.  It's gonna be pretty crazy.  Umm...I mean...your blogging experience will never be the same.

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February 12, 2007 in award winning blog, award winning design, award winning magazine, blog publish, Blogging Tools, Blogs, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, Business editorial, Business relationships, CMO, company newsletter, Company publication, corporate magazine, Corporate publications | Permalink


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