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Everybody's Workin' for the Weekend

Posted on May 14, 2007 by Vinnie Lacey.

When was the last time you told a job interviewer you have trouble getting things done?  Probably never.  We all like to think productivity is our strong suite. In reality, getting things done is a common obstacle, with nuances for every job position and industry.

Not to fear. No, really...c'mon now...take your forehead off the keyboard and get those pencil erasers out of your ears. 

There are a few things that anyone can do in today's time-crunched business world to turn unsightly "to do's" into gold star "all done's." Our friends over at Yahoo Finance share these "Five Steps to Being More Productive."

Now excuse me while I go clean out my inbox.

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May 14, 2007 in audio publication, award winning blog, award winning design, award winning magazine, award winning newsletter, Award winning publications, Blog Outsourcing, blog publish, Blogging Tools, Blogs, Brand enhancement, build credibility, Building B2B Relationships, Building Customer Community, Building Customer Intuition, bulk email marketing, business credibility, Business editorial, business magazine, Business Marketing | Permalink


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